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Demand Prediction tricky say some retailers

According to Reuters after the "salad crisis" which affected the UK supermarkets earlier in the year, shoppers are now finding it difficult to find items like: pasta, beer and toothpaste on the..

Has grocery price inflation hit the peak?

In the weeks leading up to 16th April 2023, grocery price inflation rose by 17.3%, which was a slight decrease from the 17.5% which was recorded in the 4 weeks prior, according to the latest insights..

Organic tomato predictions for 2023

The remarkable development of organic food production in recent years has included processed tomato products. Despite a greater vulnerability of production and increasing inflationary pressure on..

Global TOMATO crop to be 41.8 m mT IN 2023

In February 2023, the World Processing Tomato Council estimated the global 2023 crop of tomatoes (for processing) to be 41.8 million metric tons (m MT), up +10% vs 2022 which ended at 38.0m MT. The..

What is Colomba?

In the run-up to Easter and looking at Easter traditions in different countries we look at an Italian tradition, Columba. In the UK there are many traditions but one of the most famous is Hot Cross..


As we approach Easter time, Asda has been named the best Easter supermarket for consumers, according to the latest research from online supermarket Britsuperstore.


This week in the UK, The Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported that food inflation reached a record high since 1977. During the month of February, it rose to 18.2%, the reason for the sharp..


The year 2022 and the start of 2023 has been consumed by a cost of living crisis, there have been many factors which have contributed to this: the effects of the pandemic, the world recovering from..

Grocery price inflation: where does it stop?

On February 28th 2023 Kantar reported that grocery price inflation had risen again to reach 17.1%, the highest level ever recorded.

The outlook for RETAIL in 2023

Inflation and economic uncertainty took a large proportion of the headlines in the retail world in 2022 but the New Year – and a slew of positive trading updates – has brought a glimmer of hope for..