Focus on Milk & Eggs [milk]
The major commodities markets are under the spotlight as a valuable resource for devising buying...
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The remarkable development of organic food production in recent years has included processed tomato products. Despite a greater vulnerability of production and increasing inflationary pressure on consumption, the sector continues to deliver solid performance. The main drivers of growth are:
▪ Increase in market demand in quantitative terms (both from consumers and from big retail chains which increasingly demand these products on their shelves)
▪ Reduction of conversion time to organic practices
▪ Increase in the surface areas planted with organic tomatoes
Review 2022 stocks to ensure that they cover until 2023 crop. Secure volumes early for 2023/2024 Closely monitor farmgate prices.
Download our Tomatoes Bulletin Now
The major commodities markets are under the spotlight as a valuable resource for devising buying...
Atlante is continuously monitoring the latest developments in the commodity markets to determine...
In the dairy, milk and eggs market, demand contraction drives the market.