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Has grocery price inflation hit the peak?

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In the weeks leading up to 16th April 2023, grocery price inflation rose by 17.3%, which was a slight decrease from the 17.5% which was recorded in the 4 weeks prior, according to the latest insights from Kantar.

In the UK, now with the addition of the upcoming Coronation, shoppers are looking ahead to the 3 bank holidays which will occur in May, it is likely that these will impact grocery sales. 

Despite the fact that there was a slight drop it's a little early to say that it will plateau, the thinking from Fraser McKevitt at Kantar is that: "Grocery inflation will come down soon, but that’s because we’ll start to measure it against the high rates seen last year. It’s important to remember, of course, that falling grocery inflation doesn’t mean lower prices, it just means prices aren’t increasing as quickly."

ALDI & LIDL STILL A TOP CHOICE & the highlights

Over the past few weeks and months, we've reported that Aldi and Lidl have been creeping up to the other traditionally larger supermarkets. This continues to be the case as Aldi hit a 10.1% market share and Lidl 7.6%.

Following ten months of double-digit price growth, the British public continues to favour own-label brands to reduce their bills.

Easter was record-setting with 38 million chocolate eggs and treats bought in the week leading up to Easter. 

So whilst we're not celebrating a decrease at the moment, the outlook for the rest of 2023 does look more positive.

You can learn more about how Atlante can help you to source the best own-brand products here: