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retail (3)

UK Retail news own-label products favoured in cost of living crisis

UK Consumers are continuing to choose own-brand products to try and manage their ever-increasing grocery bills which are second only to energy bills. Here’s what the real data (and Kantar’s resident..

UK RETAIL NEWS: first ever £12 billion Christmas

Grocery industry experts from Kantar predicted December would break records in the UK, with sales projections higher than ever before.

Commodities: Other Markets [Rice, Nuts, Legumes]

See what’s on the horizon thanks to Atlante’s commodity market performance insights for UK buyers and beyond.

Vegetable Oils: Palm, Sunflower and Coconut, Olive

See what’s on the horizon thanks to Atlante’s commodity market performance insights for UK buyers and beyond.

Coffee, Sugar, Cocoa

See what’s on the horizon thanks to Atlante’s commodity market performance insights for UK buyers and beyond.

Commodities outlook - Milk-derivatives and Eggs

See what’s on the horizon thanks to Atlante’s commodity market performance insights for UK buyers and beyond.

Record-Breaking Month for Supermarkets, sales in excess of £12 Billion

Grocery industry experts from Kantar predict December will break records in the UK, with sales projections higher than ever before.

Are own label products taking over?

UK Consumers are choosing own-brand products to try and manage their ever-increasing grocery bills which are second only to energy bills. Here’s what the real data (and Kantar’s resident expert..

UK grocery price inflation up again as shoppers look to cut costs

People are pretty savvy at seeking out best value and retailers are expanding their ranges to help them do this.


In an interim announcement on 5th October 2022, Tesco announced that they are on track to deliver for their customers despite the tough backdrop.