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New Go For Fit Protein bars make their debut

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The Atlante protein brand Go for Fit offers a range of bars with high protein content, and it 
now includes 3 new versions: two sweet bars [dark chocolate and white
chocolate] and a savory bar with spirulina.

Following huge success of the Go For Fit range in 2022, consumers are looking for more
go-to snacks with a higher protein intake to make their diets more balanced.
Now in the wake of the success of the initial launch, the Go For Fit has been enriched with
a unique and distinctive line of protein bars designed for those who want to supplement
their daily protein requirement, without sacrificing taste and practicality.

GO-FOR-FIT-barrette-proteiche-dolci-e-barretta-proteica-salataThe Go For Fit line of protein bars includes three options: two sweet bars
[dark chocolate and white chocolate] and a unique product on the Italian market that
combines innovation and performance: the salty bar with spirulina.

The dark chocolate and white chocolate protein bars are based on traditional milk proteins
(about 30% per bar), gluten-free, rich in fibre and with no added sugar; while the savory
one with spirulina, is also rich in fibre and with no added sugar, is based on vegetable

The three bars will soon to be available on the shelves in Itlay, are the ideal snack to take
with you to be consumed at any time of the day as an accompaniment to meals, as an
alternative to lunch or as a healthy snack.

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