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retail (4)


If you want to know how hard things are at the moment in the UK, look no further than the see-sawing fortunes of the big supermarkets.

Kudos to Faith In Nature for hire set to shake up the board room

Does your board have a director to represent nature? Atlante partner Faith in Nature sows the seed that is set to challenge the conventional business board make-up.

Aldi maintains position as the UK’s cheapest supermarket

Discount retailer Aldi has been named the cheapest supermarket for a basket of groceries for the third month in a row. Costing £76.24 for 49 popular items such as Heinz baked beans, milk and tea..

DEMANDS to fix cost-of-doing-business crisis as inflation soars

With grocery inflation soaring into double figures in July, the Food and Drink Federation (FDF) has called on government to minimise the costs of existing and upcoming regulation for manufacturers to..

UK retail sales up as volumes remain low

While retail sales saw an increase in July year-on-year, the figure was still below the latest 12th month average growth, according to the latest information released by the British Retail Consortium..

Glebe Farm adds three Coca-Cola veterans to senior leadership team

Glebe Farm has announced a hat-trick of appointments to its senior leadership team.

Filshill tells customers to expect delivery delays due to heatwave

Filshill has told customers to expect delays in their normal delivery days after the heatwave doubled forecasted volumes. The business said it was not alone in experiencing problems, and that delays..

Morrisons expands global trade with new exporter partnership

Morrisons is bolstering its global distribution network via a new partnership with multichannel exporter British Corner Shop.

Trading Statement 16 weeks to 25 June 22

First Quarter Trading Statement for the 16 weeks to 25 June 2022 Trading in line with expectations, outlook unchanged, good grocery volume market share performance Simon Roberts, Chief Executive of J..

‘Fragile’ customer spending drags Morrisons sales lower

Morrisons has revealed that sales slumped over the past three months as the retailer cautioned over a “very fragile and difficult consumer environment”.