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The Field

The latest news & views from the Atlante UK team

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Commodities Bulletin Sunflower Oil

As far as sunflowers are concerned, there is an estimated increased production in Ukraine.

Commodities Bulletin Grains Corn

The downward trend in prices continues for corn.

Commodities Bulletin GRAINS Rice

Drought in North Africa causes concern for the upcoming harvest

Commodities Bulletin GRAINS Durum WHEAT

Looking at commodity market trends, there has been drought in North Africa which is causing concern for upcoming wheat harvest.

Commodities Bulletin GRAINS COMMON WHEAT

A FOCUS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE MAJOR COMMODITY MARKETS AS A TOOL TO HELP US IDENTIFY OUR BUYING STRATEGIES Wheat price drops on international markets The absence of clear threats to the Black Sea..

Commodity Prices Bulletin MACROECONOMICS

A FOCUS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE MAJOR COMMODITY MARKETS AS A TOOL TO HELP US IDENTIFY OUR BUYING STRATEGIES We report on steel prices, palm oil and sunflower oil as well as many other commodities...

Sainsbury's 3rd Quarter Trading Statement for 16 weeks to 7 January 23

Third Quarter Trading Statement for the 16 weeks ended 7 January 2023 Strategy delivering volume market share gains and record Christmas

Atlante presents an innovative plant-based range at Marca 2023

Plant Heroes Zero Salmon and Chic Filet, two new innovative plant-based products, have been launched by Atlante to meet consumer needs for more cost-effective, own-label, vegan food.

Households will now face £788 on their annual shopping bills.

Kantar is reporting that if consumers don't change their habits and cut costs they will face having to spend an extra £788 on their annual shopping bills.


The Plant Heroes line expands with new products set to revolutionise the meat alternative market. Atlante is proud to announce two exclusive products to the range in 2023 which were exclusively..