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As a celebration of Veganuary , the Plant Heroes line expands with new products set to revolutionise the meat alternative market. Atlante is proud to announce two exclusive products to the range in..

The importance of the right pasta producer

It's a simple dish that consumers enjoy most weeks at home, now with variations such as gluten-free options, pasta can be consumed by anyone. Many consumers relied on pasta heavily during the..


Plant-based brands are dominating the food sector and crowdfunding campaigns as the vegan and vegetarian population continues to grow and expand in the UK, a new report has revealed.

First-ever healthy drive-through

The ‘Flourish Fuelling Station’ has been launched by Sainsbury’s , it's an overnight drive-through offering shift workers free healthy food.

Can traditional supermarkets compete with Aldi & Lidl??

UK supermarkets ramped up their promotions in January 2023, extending value ranges, launching price locks and launching other cost-based incentives designed to keep shoppers spending throughout what..

New Go For Fit Protein bars make their debut

The Atlante protein brand Go for Fit offers a range of bars with high protein content, and it now includes 3 new versions: two sweet bars [dark chocolate and white chocolate] and a savory bar with..


In Italy, the UK and the rest of Europe the positive trend of functional aloe vera drinks continues. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the health benefits that these drinks give such as..

UK Retail news own-label products favoured in cost of living crisis

UK Consumers are continuing to choose own-brand products to try and manage their ever-increasing grocery bills which are second only to energy bills. Here’s what the real data (and Kantar’s resident..

The Plant-Based Boom with New Options for UK Buyers in Veganuary

Ready to meet demand for more plant foods as opposed to animal foods in UK supermarkets? Buyer options sourced here. READ MORE: Veganuary at Atlante

UK RETAIL NEWS: first ever £12 billion Christmas

Grocery industry experts from Kantar predicted December would break records in the UK, with sales projections higher than ever before.