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imported italian pasta brands (2)

Supermarket Shortages: Skyrocketing costs and reduced security

Even though Italy won’t be as affected by the shortages, food may be less plentiful. There will be further price increases due to famines elsewhere and the issue of livestock diets will arise.

Guide to ambient pasta

A hunger for authentic pasta Pasta is the quintessential expression of Italy’s food culture and there’s no doubt it has won the hearts of UK consumers too. Spag bol may be an Anglicised family..

New white sauces from Atlante

We're delighted to announce that the Atlante Brand sauces range has been expanded with two new items: artichoke and parmesan sauce and mushroom and parmesan sauce.

Stocks in Italian delis from Wholesale Pasta Suppliers UK

Is this as Fusili as it seems? The UK’s Italian delicatessens are stocking British pasta for the first time because it has become so difficult to import products such as spaghetti and tinned tomatoes..

Is spaghetti in a spin for wholesale pasta suppliers?

Where’s Bruce Willis when you need him? Because the pasta sector could use a hero as it faces a lit- any of woes worthy of a disaster movie. After skyrocketing demand in 2020, sales have now fallen..