Three new sku's in the fresh filled pasta aisle at sainsburys
Atlante collaborates with major UK retailer, Sainsburys, and Italy’s oldest filled pasta producer,...
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Pasta is the quintessential expression of Italy’s food culture and there’s no doubt it has won the hearts of UK consumers too. Spag bol may be an Anglicised family favourite, but Brits are also hungry for authentic Italian pasta in which quality, taste and interesting shapes are key. In 2020, the UK retail market for ambient, or dried, pasta was worth more than £500m and had grown 15% by value year on year. Atlante prides itself on sourcing the best Italian products for export markets, and our pool of pasta suppliers is 100% Italian. Some of these are based in Gragnano, home of the Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) protected Pasta Di Gragnano. This guide looks at the pasta production and the pasta supply chain, how Atlante works with its customers and producer partners, and the opportunities and challenges in the UK ambient pasta market.
Motivated by passion for our work and the ability to innovate, we brainstorm side by side with our partners to create winning products that interpret market trends and satisfy customer needs. Atlante is unique as we are neither an agent nor broker. We see ourselves as a value-adding link between retailers and producers. We do not represent producers and, being totally independent, use our expertise to identify the producers best suited to meet a customer’s standards, requirements and expectations. The experience we have gained from working with highly professional, structured and demanding organisations, such as leading UK supermarkets, is an invaluable asset when it comes to assessing the strengths and weaknesses of producers. Our customers receive a tailor-made, hassle-free, time-saving and cost-efficient package of products and supporting services.
Atlante collaborates with major UK retailer, Sainsburys, and Italy’s oldest filled pasta producer,...
Following a disastrous Canadian harvest, the rush on durum wheat prices on international and...
Atlante provides Italian ambient pasta and fresh pasta to UK supermarkets, working with suppliers...