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supply chain (2)

Atlante enables UK brand Faith in Nature to ship goods to the USA

When an American beauty buyer for Walmart got stuck in London during the Covid pandemic, she found herself with time on her hands to browse the shelves of the UK’s beauty departments. It was during..

Talks to resume Ukraine’s export weighs?

The US wheat prices fell over the past month amid talks in late May to reopen key Ukrainian export channels following months of blockade in the Black Sea. The prices have previously spiked to record..

Uk Export Finance: The ultimate guide to selling FMCG goods overseas

The most innovative and profitable businesses are those with an international footprint and need to consider international expansion. In 2020 we exported over 400 billion dollars worth of products,..

Supermarket Shortages: Skyrocketing costs and reduced security

Even though Italy won’t be as affected by the shortages, food may be less plentiful. There will be further price increases due to famines elsewhere and the issue of livestock diets will arise.

Shopping frequency decline and price rises accelerate

Inflation starting to drive grocery behaviour as pandemic loosens hold on Brits As grocery inflation hits the highest level in a decade, shoppers and retailers take action to manage the growing cost..

Another strike on agri-food exports to the United Kingdom

Bologna, 30th March 2022, Atlante – a Bologna-based company operating in the food distribution sector as a strategic partner to major retailers for the development, sourcing and distribution of food..

Glass production is the latest industry impacted by the war in Ukraine

For shoppers across Europe, the war in Ukraine is starting to be felt in an unexpected place: their wallets and supermarket shelves.

Threats to supply chain disruption across food & medicine

A chronic shortage of self-adhesive labels risks causing supply chain disruption which could see a repeat of that sparked by the CO2 crisis, industry leaders have warned.

The UK labour shortage creates problems for Shipping & Logistics

This growth in demand driven by e-commerce has been a source of great opportunity for many businesses throughout the sector, despite the challenges posed by the labor shortage. We need to ensure that..

Price hikes as Ukraine crisis hits supply chains

Conflict has already triggered energy price surge and restrictions on Russian exports such metals will also affect industry