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Authentic greek creamy yogurt from Atlante

In a year where predictions seem to suggest that people want more authentic produce, better healthy options and plant based alternatives, the Atlante Greek specialities range can offer just that.

Thinking of Going vegan this January?

Founded in 2014, Veganuary is now a yearly initiative that encourages people to try a vegan diet throughout the month of January.

How I learned to love commodity codes

I’d never heard of commodity codes before Brexit.

Food inflation hits home as 10,000 grocery prices soar

Almost 10,000 products shot up in price over the new year as the mounting bubble of inflation looms over supermarkets and shoppers. It means 6% of all supermarket products became more expensive..

Monthly pace of tomato paste imports remains high

The total quantities of tomato paste imported worldwide over the past twelve months (October 2020 - September 2021) were approximately 52,000 mT (3%) higher than in the previous corresponding period,..

How Supply Chain Performance Will Change in 2022

Supply chain disruptions continue to wreak havoc on everything from holiday gift shopping to rising prices for essential goods. Still, the future seems hazy, as factors like COVID-19 variants and..

All the food trends that will be big in 2022

With statement bakes and fusion flavours predicted to be popular in 2022, kate ng discovers the ingredients that will top our shopping lists

Retail news uk what will 2022 bring for UK supermarkets?

Both 2020 and 2021 were unmistakably impacted by the pandemic, albeit in different ways. We try to keep abreast of the latest news from the UK retail market.

Supply chain issues & soaring inflation could effect UK economy

Bank of England downgraded growth outlook to 0.6% in the fourth quarter of 2021 and experts are predicting a difficult start to 2022 due to Omicron