A FOCUS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE MAJOR COMMODITY MARKETS AS A TOOL TO HELP US IDENTIFY OUR BUYING STRATEGIES Wheat price drops on international markets The absence of clear threats to the Black Sea..
A FOCUS ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE MAJOR COMMODITY MARKETS AS A TOOL TO HELP US IDENTIFY OUR BUYING STRATEGIES We report on steel prices, palm oil and sunflower oil as well as many other commodities...
Plant Heroes Zero Salmon and Chic Filet, two new innovative plant-based products, have been launched by Atlante to meet consumer needs for more cost-effective, own-label, vegan food.
It's a simple dish that consumers enjoy most weeks at home, now with variations such as gluten-free options, pasta can be consumed by anyone. Many consumers relied on pasta heavily during the..
The Atlante protein brand Go for Fit offers a range of bars with high protein content, and it now includes 3 new versions: two sweet bars [dark chocolate and white chocolate] and a savory bar with..