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Stop Food Waste Day is a global awareness campaign that is celebrated every year on April 27th to raise awareness about the alarming amount of food waste that occurs worldwide. It is estimated that one-third of all food produced in the world is wasted, which is not only a financial burden but also has a significant impact on the environment. As a responsible business, Atlante is committed to reducing food waste and promoting sustainable practices.

Here at Atlante we understand the importance that a healthy, balanced diet and the fight against food waste are two issues that are closely connected.  A concrete and immediate solution is needed to counter the impact of excess waste has on our economy, the environment and public health. It is essential to consider the impact a proper diet can have as an effective strategy in the fight against food waste. A balanced diet creates a positive relationship between environmental protection and individual well-being.

Reports show that 33% of food produced globally is lost or wasted every year!

At Atlante, we believe that every little effort counts when it comes to reducing food waste. We have implemented several initiatives to minimize food waste, also work with local organizations to donate excess food to those in need, such as shelters and food banks.

25% of the food wasted globally could feed all 795 million undernourished people in the world!

At Atlante, we understand that reducing food waste is not only good for the environment but also for our business. By reducing our food waste, we can save money on food costs and improve our bottom line. But more importantly, we believe that reducing food waste is simply the right thing to do.

8% of all greenhouse gas emissions each year are due to food loss and waste!

In conclusion, Stop Food Waste Day is an important reminder of the urgent need to reduce food waste worldwide. At Atlante, we are committed to doing our part to reduce food waste and promote sustainable practices. We believe that by working together, we can make a difference and create a better future for generations to come.

Learn more about Stop Food Waste Day here