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Pulp and Paper industry stats

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As pulp paper packaging is used for some of the foods that we supply we like to keep our finger on the pulse of the latest trends on the food packaging market. We reported back in 2021 on the latest FMCG Paper packaging innovations in this market.


There are several trends that are currently shaping the paper and pulp packaging industry, including:

  1. Sustainable Packaging: There is a growing demand for sustainable and eco-friendly packaging solutions that are made from renewable and recyclable materials. Paper and pulp packaging are considered more sustainable than traditional plastic packaging as they are biodegradable, compostable, and can be recycled.

  2. Innovation in Design: Brands are constantly looking for innovative designs that can make their products stand out on store shelves. Paper and pulp packaging can be easily customized and moulded into different shapes and sizes, offering a wide range of design options for packaging manufacturers.

  3. Increased Use of Biodegradable Materials: Many packaging manufacturers are incorporating biodegradable materials into their paper and pulp packaging to make them more eco-friendly. These materials can include plant-based plastics and biodegradable coatings that break down naturally in the environment.

  4. Digital Printing: Advances in digital printing technology have made it easier and more cost-effective to print custom designs directly onto paper and pulp packaging. This has enabled brands to create unique packaging designs without the need for expensive and time-consuming traditional printing methods.

  5. Rise of E-commerce: The growth of e-commerce has led to an increase in demand for packaging that can protect products during shipping while also being sustainable and easy to open. Paper and pulp packaging are ideal for e-commerce as they can be designed to provide excellent product protection and are easy to open and recycle.

As we're just a few months into 2023 it looks like the global paper and pulp market is growing at a decent rate and it is predicted to rise. Linchpin Seo, have laid out the key industry stats and the growth projections (below):

Pulp and Paper Industry Stats and Growth Projections in 2023

  1. It is likely that in 2023, global pulp and paper production will reach 490 million tons.
  2. The global shipping volume could exceed 100 billion parcels in 2023.
  3. In the United States, in excess of 15% of pulp and paper sales will occur online by 2023.
  4. China has been the largest producer of pulp and paper for the past 20 years, followed by the United States.
  5. The European Union set a goal of collecting and recycling 55% of all plastic packages and is expected to be reached by 2030. Naturally, this will impact the pulp and paper industry.

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