Commodities Bulletin Dairy Milk & Eggs Focus on Eggs
We look at the commodities markets globally to help predict buying strategies, we're putting a...
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With a focus on the major commodities markets as a buying strategy, the egg market has seen a stabilisation in prices at record highs.
The egg market continues to be characterised by a substantial supply shortage, stiff demand and prices at record levels, which have broken the upward price trend since the beginning of March.
• Several factors with bearish potential do stand out:
The declines affecting feed prices, especially in the EU. The recent strengthening of the euro against the dollar and bearish short-term fundamentals on wheat are also transmitting weakness to corn and oilseeds.
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We look at the commodities markets globally to help predict buying strategies, we're putting a...
In the dairy, milk and eggs market, demand contraction drives the market.
The major commodities markets are under the spotlight as a valuable resource for devising buying...