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Shoppers have reduced their carbon footprint by buying 40% more local products from a regional Co-operative than five years ago.

Figures released by Southern Co-op revealed more than 3.5 million products sold from its Local Flavours range in 2021, a 40% increase from just over 2.5 million in 2017.

To mark the occasion, the Local Flavours team will be visiting a number of its regional producers, including Kent Crisps, Cook and Briddlesford Farm Dairy.

“As an independent, regional co-operative, we strive to be a sustainable and responsible business and our Local Flavours range is just one way in which we achieve this,” Southern Co-op’s retail buying and services manager Matt Elliott said.

“Over the last 15 years, we have developed some incredible relationships with our Local Flavours producers and discovered hidden talent which has gone on to be stocked on shelves nationwide.”

Briddlesford Farm Dairy owner Paul Griffin added: “Southern Co-op could see the quality and provenance of our products and was able to offer us access to a much wider customer base, through their many stores.

“Southern Co-op is unlike other supermarkets because it has maintained a ‘village’ type appeal, with a friendly approach to its local suppliers, and to its customers.

“The ‘Local Flavours’ aspect of their business has benefitted many smaller farmers and suppliers, but also enabled local people to support their local economy and the local businesses that allow their communities to thrive.”

This article first appeared in grocery gazette