In 2021, members of the Atlante team in Italy saw potential for introducing a better quality own-brand peanut butter to Italian retailers.
In Italy, peanut butter products are rare and often include unnatural added ingredients. Atlante worked with a UK producer and buyers confirmed the samples were of better quality than other options, but challenges remained.
A logistics solution would need to cover everything from the rising price of commodities following the pandemic to boosting the popularity of peanut butter among Italians through more effective branding.
Atlante's in-country experts have now successfully managed and marketed exports of 100% natural peanut butter, to the Italian market with superior health benefits.
Atlante helps translate the detail and ways of working between our British producer and Italian retailers thorough our bilingual teams.
With consumers favouring own-brand products due to the cost of living crisis it's likely that own-label products will continue to increase in popularity.
If you would like to learn more about how Atlante is an export with linking up good producers with great retailers to provide excellent products, read the case study here.